Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 1 of my Hair Journey!

Alright curly-Q's today is day ONE of my natural journey.

Last night I made my own homemade hair mask (1/2c mayo, 1T olive oil, 1t honey, 3 egg yolks, 1/2c conditioner, 1t frizz serum) and slathered that sucker on. Once my homemade concoction was on, I took a towel (which had been in the dryer for about 20min. and put my hair up in a turban. I left this on my hair for about 5-6 hours.

After taking my hair out of the towel, I rinsed my hair as much as possible in warm water (to help open the cuticles) and then applied conditioner. I left the conditioner on my hair for about 2-3 hours wrapped in an old t-shirt.

Once I took my hair out of the t-shirt I finger combed my hair and lightly rinsed the conditioner in cold water (to seal the cuticles and adds shine). I scrunched the water from my hair and added my frizz serum, and leave in conditioning spray. I then wrapped my  hair back up in the old shirt to dry.

I applied more leave-in conditioner, curl cream, and frizz serum to my hair after about 30 minutes of my hair drying. I let my hair air dry and all done!

I feel like my hair really appreciated the deep conditioning and extra care. I'll probably try to do this at least once a week. It is a little expensive using 1/2 cup of mayo, 3 egg yolks, and 1/2 cup of conditioner. I might need to find a store bought leave in conditioner? Not sure yet, I sort of like the natural approach.

I'll keep all you curly-Q's updated on my natural journey, just thought I'd share my first day!

Until next time!

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