Friday, November 18, 2011

Theme Week! Thrusday-Gonzo

I was busy yesterday with a paper for school, so my Thursday post is going up now!

Did You Know?
*Gonzo's girlfriend is a chicken named Camilla?
*At one point in time he actually lived in a cement mixer?
*Nobody knows "what" Gonzo really is?

I wanted this look to be fun., since Gonzo is all about performing! I decided to make the look dramatic with a blue winged liner, yellow in the inner corner of my eyes, and purple along the outer half of my lower lash line. It's fun and wearable at the same time!

I apologize for the poor quality in pictures, it's so much more fun and colorful in person! I'm a little broke right now so am forced to use my boyfriends camera on his phone!

Please try this look, it's so much fun! You'll love the bright colors, especially if you love Gonzo!

Until Next Time!

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