Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hair Journey

Hello beauty queens and kings,

I just realized that I haven't updated my blog in almost a year! Yikes! I had a lot going on between school, personal life, and moving that I sort of forgot about this dusty lil' blog.

I'm back now, so on ward we go!

I wanted to do blogs tracking my hair journey from the starting point (my now chin length pixie-ish hair) to my goal (hair at least down to my chest). It's going to be a long journey, but definatley reachable!

I had so much damage from coloring my hair (going from blonde, to brown, to red, to blonde, to brown). Needless to say bleaching and coloring your hair all within two month is one of the rather stupid things I've done. I'm dedicating my time to ensuring that I take full care for my hair.

I've been following blogs on and have found TONS of helpful tips, tricks, and information. Not to mention thousands of women with all sorts of curly hair types. It's nice to know that there is a community out there just for curly hair curls like myself. Curly hair is SO different from any other hair type and must be treated differently.

So I hope you stay with me and cheer me on as this will be NO easy journey. It's much needed though and I can't wait to give my hair the attention and care that it deserves. If you aren't already. join me in the journey to healthy and happy hair! :)

Until next time curly-q's!

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