Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Muppets Makeup Theme Week!

How could you NOT be excited for this movie?!

Jason Segal, Amy Adams, and Chris Cooper star in The Muppets movie, coming out this November on the 23rd. I don't know about all of  you, but I love The Muppets plus I love Jason, Amy, and Chris!

I thought this week, that I would do a makeup look for each day of the week (Monday-Friday) for five different characters in The Muppets! I was so excited when I thought of this idea, and they won't be dramatic un-wearable looks either. I have to work and go to school, so they will have to be wearable, as I am wearing theme all day.

I will post a blog for each makeup look so you all can see how the finished product turned out!

So here in order are The Muppets that I chose for this weeks Theme Week and the colors I've chosen to go along with them. I hope you're excited, because I sure am!:

Monday- Kermit
(Makeup Colors- White, Green, and Black)

Tuesday- Miss Piggy
(Makeup Colors- Pink, Purple, and Silver)

Wednesday- Animal
(Makeup Colors- Red, Orange, and Black)

Thursday- Gonzo
(Makeup Colors- Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Black)

Friday- Fozzie Bear
(Makeup Colors- Pink, Orange, and Brown)

I just decided that this Month will be the start of theme weeks. I'll choose themes for up and coming movies and do makeup looks for each week. I hope that you the viewers help me out in choosing what the theme should be! It would  be WAY more fun that way!

Until next time!

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