Friday, November 18, 2011

Theme Week! Friday- Fozzie Bear

Today's inspired makeup look is from the oh so lovable comedian Fozzie Bear!

I used brown and pinks for this look, and made it really wearable by using lighter colors and having it be more of a soft smokey eye. I also used very light brown eye liner and just smudged it out rather than going with my oh so loved winged liner.

I used a light  brown in my crease and followed that with a light shimmery pink over top. I used a darker brown on my out V and blended it until I got a soft smokey look. I put eyeliner as close to my lash line as possible, stopping in the center of my lash line and smudged it out. I also used a litter bit of the darker brown that I used for the outer V on the outer half of my bottom lash line.

This is defiantly a cute wearable Fozzie Bear look!

Until Next Time!

Theme Week! Thrusday-Gonzo

I was busy yesterday with a paper for school, so my Thursday post is going up now!

Did You Know?
*Gonzo's girlfriend is a chicken named Camilla?
*At one point in time he actually lived in a cement mixer?
*Nobody knows "what" Gonzo really is?

I wanted this look to be fun., since Gonzo is all about performing! I decided to make the look dramatic with a blue winged liner, yellow in the inner corner of my eyes, and purple along the outer half of my lower lash line. It's fun and wearable at the same time!

I apologize for the poor quality in pictures, it's so much more fun and colorful in person! I'm a little broke right now so am forced to use my boyfriends camera on his phone!

Please try this look, it's so much fun! You'll love the bright colors, especially if you love Gonzo!

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Theme Weeek! Wednesday-Animal

That means that Animal is my inspired makeup look for the day!

Did You Know?!
* Animal first appeared in 1975?
* ?During his performances, he's usually chained to the drum set, due to extremely violent musical outbursts?!
* Animal was the official mascot of the U.S. Ski Team in the 1998 Winter Olympics?

For this Animal inspired makeup look, I used orange, red, and black to catch the crazy rocker that we all know and love him for. I wanted to make this look really bold and intense as Animal has so many violent and wild outbursts but I refrained *sigh*,,,Maybe next time! ;)

Here's the look that I created! :)

Until Next time!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Theme Week! Tuesday- Miss Piggy


Today's makeup look was inspired by none other than the famous Miss Piggy!
I had to create something fabulous and girly for this look, as she's all about the glamour!

Miss piggy is all about stardom and she won't let anything and I mean ANYTHING get in her way. She is the image of girly charm until she feels someone has insulted her, in that case you better watch out because she will turn into a whirlwind of rage; Just as Kermit the Frog! ha ha.

Did you Know?!
*TV Guide rated her number 23 out of 50 in 1996 on their 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time list?
* Miss Piggy has a poodle named Foo-Foo?
*She made her first appearance in 1974 on the show Herb Albert and TJB

Lets get on to the makeup look!

I used silver, pinks and purple eye shadows to create this Miss Piggy inspired makeup look.
It's a little more dramatic and may not be so wearable, as I used dramatic eye liner but I couldn't help myself! How can you not have dramatic makeup when using Miss Piggy as an inspiration!

I loved sporting this look around today, it was fun to use pink (which I normally don't use). The eyeliner really ups the dramatic and to me felt like Miss Piggy!

I hope you all can create a Miss Piggy inspired look to wear around town!
Until next time!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Muppet Theme Week! Monday-Kermit the Frog


That means that today I'm showing you my makeup look that I created for the most famous Muppet of them all, Kermit the Frog!

Did you know?
* Kermit was introduced in1955 on WRC-TVs Sister and Friends?
* The prototype for Kermit was made out of a womens' turquoise coat that Jim Hensons' (puppeteer) mother threw in the trash, along with two halves of a ping pong ball!

This was a some what difficult look, as I needed to make it both school and work appropriate. I don't think my work would take too kindly to me showing up with neon green eye makeup, ha ha ha!

As I was sitting in front of the mirror this morning, trying to incorporate the beautiful green color that's known as Kermit, it hit me! What about taking this super fun green and using it as eyeliner?
This way there isn't too much green to shock your fellow students and employees. I've done this a lot with electric blue shades and it never fails, I always get a compliment.

To me, this look is fun, adorable, and wearable. It may not work for all (if you work in an office for example) but it sure is fun to wear! I hope that you all are able to try this at home and have as much fun wearing it as I did! :)

Let me know what you all think and if you're going to try this look out!

Until next time!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Muppets Makeup Theme Week!

How could you NOT be excited for this movie?!

Jason Segal, Amy Adams, and Chris Cooper star in The Muppets movie, coming out this November on the 23rd. I don't know about all of  you, but I love The Muppets plus I love Jason, Amy, and Chris!

I thought this week, that I would do a makeup look for each day of the week (Monday-Friday) for five different characters in The Muppets! I was so excited when I thought of this idea, and they won't be dramatic un-wearable looks either. I have to work and go to school, so they will have to be wearable, as I am wearing theme all day.

I will post a blog for each makeup look so you all can see how the finished product turned out!

So here in order are The Muppets that I chose for this weeks Theme Week and the colors I've chosen to go along with them. I hope you're excited, because I sure am!:

Monday- Kermit
(Makeup Colors- White, Green, and Black)

Tuesday- Miss Piggy
(Makeup Colors- Pink, Purple, and Silver)

Wednesday- Animal
(Makeup Colors- Red, Orange, and Black)

Thursday- Gonzo
(Makeup Colors- Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Black)

Friday- Fozzie Bear
(Makeup Colors- Pink, Orange, and Brown)

I just decided that this Month will be the start of theme weeks. I'll choose themes for up and coming movies and do makeup looks for each week. I hope that you the viewers help me out in choosing what the theme should be! It would  be WAY more fun that way!

Until next time!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 1 of my Hair Journey!

Alright curly-Q's today is day ONE of my natural journey.

Last night I made my own homemade hair mask (1/2c mayo, 1T olive oil, 1t honey, 3 egg yolks, 1/2c conditioner, 1t frizz serum) and slathered that sucker on. Once my homemade concoction was on, I took a towel (which had been in the dryer for about 20min. and put my hair up in a turban. I left this on my hair for about 5-6 hours.

After taking my hair out of the towel, I rinsed my hair as much as possible in warm water (to help open the cuticles) and then applied conditioner. I left the conditioner on my hair for about 2-3 hours wrapped in an old t-shirt.

Once I took my hair out of the t-shirt I finger combed my hair and lightly rinsed the conditioner in cold water (to seal the cuticles and adds shine). I scrunched the water from my hair and added my frizz serum, and leave in conditioning spray. I then wrapped my  hair back up in the old shirt to dry.

I applied more leave-in conditioner, curl cream, and frizz serum to my hair after about 30 minutes of my hair drying. I let my hair air dry and all done!

I feel like my hair really appreciated the deep conditioning and extra care. I'll probably try to do this at least once a week. It is a little expensive using 1/2 cup of mayo, 3 egg yolks, and 1/2 cup of conditioner. I might need to find a store bought leave in conditioner? Not sure yet, I sort of like the natural approach.

I'll keep all you curly-Q's updated on my natural journey, just thought I'd share my first day!

Until next time!

Hair Journey

Hello beauty queens and kings,

I just realized that I haven't updated my blog in almost a year! Yikes! I had a lot going on between school, personal life, and moving that I sort of forgot about this dusty lil' blog.

I'm back now, so on ward we go!

I wanted to do blogs tracking my hair journey from the starting point (my now chin length pixie-ish hair) to my goal (hair at least down to my chest). It's going to be a long journey, but definatley reachable!

I had so much damage from coloring my hair (going from blonde, to brown, to red, to blonde, to brown). Needless to say bleaching and coloring your hair all within two month is one of the rather stupid things I've done. I'm dedicating my time to ensuring that I take full care for my hair.

I've been following blogs on and have found TONS of helpful tips, tricks, and information. Not to mention thousands of women with all sorts of curly hair types. It's nice to know that there is a community out there just for curly hair curls like myself. Curly hair is SO different from any other hair type and must be treated differently.

So I hope you stay with me and cheer me on as this will be NO easy journey. It's much needed though and I can't wait to give my hair the attention and care that it deserves. If you aren't already. join me in the journey to healthy and happy hair! :)

Until next time curly-q's!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Bar

I've tried many different facial cleansers and soaps for my acne prone skin, and not only is it harsh switching form brand to brand, but it's frustrating. A lot of brands promise you acne free skin with their products, they also promise they wont dry out your skin or irritate it. Only one soap has held mostly true to those standards for me.

Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Bar is a translucent orange soap bar. They have a fragrance free bar, which is what I get (although it has a slight smell to it). It leaves my skin feel so clean and or doesn't irritate my skin.
It's glycerin-rich with no harsh detergents, dyes, or hardeners. It removes all of the excess oil and rinses clean, leaving your skin fresh and free of pore clogging residue!

If you don't use a moisturizer afterwards your skin will feel very dry. Then again that will happen with any cleanser/bar you use. So make sure you have a moisturizer for afterwards.

Not only does it have physical benefits, but it's also fairly cheap. I get mine at my local Walmart for about $1.50-2.00, and that to me is a steal! Considering the fact that the liquid version is about $4.50-5.50 and the  bar lasts twice as long as the liquid facial cleanser.

Honestly it's not expensive and if you have nothing else to loose, like me, then try it. Don't expect it to work overnight, it takes time and I know it's frustrating. I've literally had acne my entire life, and I'm not saying that this product cured my acne, because it hasn't. It has however helped to clear my skin and leaves my skin feeling amazing.

Happy face washing! :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Benefit Powderflage

As you all now or if you didn't, I have dark circles under my eyes that don't seem to ever disappear. To avoid getting that caked on appearance from concealing my eyes in an attempt to hide those puppies, you need a light powder. I feel that facial powders can be a tad to heavy for the delicate skin under your eyes. Plus if you've got intense dark circles you need either a miracle concealer or maybe an extra layer of a good concealer.

I use the Kat Von D concealer right now in the lightest shade that they have, I really need to try using a corrective palate to cancel out the blue in my under eyes. The concealer works really well, but my under eye circles are so persistent to shine through that I need a little bit extra. That combined with a heavy powder is a awful combination!

The Powderflage by Benefit is a light weight powder designed specifically for dark circles and fine lines. It also has a light pink-ish color to it with a little shimmer that seems to just brighten up the area that you apply it too. Don't be panicked that you read there's shimmer, because once you apply it, you definatley can not tell that it's there, trust me. It's colorless once applies to the skin and you cant even see the shimmer.

It doesn't cover dark circles, if it did it would be a million doller product in my book, but it does help to brighten up the area under your eyes making it less noticeable which is very nice.

Packaging also screams at me when I'm buying products, and this is so cute!

You can also use the powder on your laugh and frown lines so you're not getting heavy facial powder into the fine lines. In the packaging it comes with instructions and detailed pictures which is nice! It also comes with a "flager" brush and while it seems rather small, it does get the job done and is just so darn cute!

The product runs for about $28 on You may be thinking, who would pay that much for powder?! You get .11 oz which doesn't seem like much, but you hardley use any powder at all, plus it comes with a mini applicator brush and the set of instructions.

Go to your local Sephora and ask for a sample or test it out for yourself, you'll love it! :)